
Talking to Student Teachers in Virgina

5/11/2006 12:53:00 am

I had completely forgotten about this conversation I had with one of Sheryl's classes of student teachers back in February. It came about because I had spoken to Sheryl about inviting her students to mentor mine. This is the idea that eventually grew into The Mentorship Project.

Anyway, Sheryl recorded it and has just released it as a podcast. The whole thing is 19 minutes 42 seconds long; a wma file, 4.6 Mb download. You'll hear me talking really fast at the start -- I was trying to cover a lot of ground in 15 minutes and didn't want to usurp too much of Sheryl's class time. Sheryl put together a list of show notes; a topics list of what we talked about. Leave us comments here or on Sheryl's post.

Show Notes
1. Why his students are passionate about blogging and how would they feel if their blogs went offline.

2. How people learn. What is real learning?

3. The preservice teachers push back---and ask Darren the "tough" questions.

4. How tough is student teaching?

5. Loss of human contact--myth or reality?

6. How blogging can make you popular in class.

7. Digital Divide issues

8. The world's not flat-

9. Role of public ed. is to provide access

10. Advocate for your kids. Free unfettered access

11. The power of a comment-- and kids who are "totally juiced"

12. Mentoring project-- Is it all math?

BTW, Sheryl also has her own Vaestro channel now ... drop in and say hello. ;-)

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  1. Anonymous11/5/06 14:33

    This is such a good piece that I plan on using it with each new group of preservice teachers. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with so many.
