
My Classroom Has Glass Walls

1/20/2006 08:37:00 am

Several months ago I received an email from Robyn MacBride. She teaches physics in Rochester NY and is finishing her Masters degree in educational technology. She's writing her thesis on how blogs can be used as an educational tool and asked me if I'd be willing to be interviewed by her. I said yes and about two weeks ago, January 10, 2006, we did a skyperview. I asked Robyn if it would be alright to record the interview and publish it as a podcast. She said yes.

In the interview we explore the role of blogs in the past, present and future in my classes. We also discussed issues of internet safety, how I dealt with a student publishing inappropriate content, connectivism, and some of my perspectives on education in general.

It's about an hour long. I know I don't always have that much time to devote to listening to a podcast but if you do find the time to listen questions, concerns, complaints, comments, compliments, confusions, uncertainties and other perspectives are encouraged and welcomed; as always. ;-)

My Classroom Has Glass Walls - the interview

Show Notes
Pre-Cal 40S

AP Calculus AB

Pre-Cal 20S

Pre-Cal 30S

How Will I Orchestrate It This Time?

Karen Cameron

Learning Inspired By Students (the introduction of chatboxes)

Blogging on Blogging (from day 3 -- not the post I was thinking about, but it was the event I was thinking about)

Where Have We Heard This Before (the post I was thinking about came a month later -- it had even greater impact)

OLÉ - My Tango ...

Rip, Mix, Learn

What If Your Blog Was Gone?

Konrad Glogowski

EduBlog Awards 2005

Tools Interiorized (Konrad's post about his class "losing" their blogs)

S1 Math

Consumer Math 20S

Blogging on Blogging (from Pre-Cal 40S)

Blogging Assessment

Pre-Cal 20S Visitor Map

You're Here Let's Begin! (Pre-Cal 20S - my first post)

Blogging on Blogging (Pre-Cal 20S - my second post)

Students Made This! (Pre-Cal 20S - my third post)

Bud The Teacher

Steve Lazar

Rip, Mix, Learn

Bloggers 'R 'Us

A New Level of Functionality and Interactivity (Stories from the chatboxes)

The Evolution of Teaching and Learning (what I'm learning)

George Siemens

Jay Cross

Stephen Downes

New Pre-Cal 40S

Graeme's Massive Notes Post

Editor's Initiative

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

Lunch in Alabama

Brainteaser (grade 7 math blog in Alabama - read the comments)

The Scribe Post

Scribe Once Again!!!

A New Level of Functionality and Interactivity (see comments)

Scribe For Today

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  1. Anonymous23/1/06 21:20


    I enjoyed the podcast very much -- it's pretty amazing how blogs have progressed in your classroom. Your classroom and students are an amazing example of what can be done with classroom blogging.

  2. Anonymous23/1/06 21:46

    Thanks Bud,

    At one point in the interview Robyn asked if I felt there were any limitations imposed by blogs. The question caught me by surprise.

    Of course there are limitations; everything has limitations. I just haven't found them yet. Blogging has opened up a whole new set of possibilities for education and we're just beginning to explore their potential.

    It will be interesting to watch what other teachers do with blogs. I'm avidly watching the work of two teachers, Mr. Harbeck and Mr. Reece, from one of our feeder schools.
