
K12 Online - When Night Falls

10/09/2006 10:45:00 pm

We're in the midst of planing the final event for K12 Online 2006. It's called When Night Falls. The idea is to have a 24 hour long worldwide skypecast - vyew desktop sharing - networking - chat experience. As night falls across the planet, educators across the globe will come online to connect and reflect about their experiences at K12 Online 2006.

For this to work we're going to need some help to keep things going for 24 hours straight. We're looking for a few good educators to help moderate the event. All the details are on the When Night Falls Planning Wiki. Check it out for more information.

If you're unfamiliar with any of the tools we'll be using in this event, not to worry. We're putting together a series of screencasts that will teach you everything you need to know. As a matter of fact, we're having an open, event planning skypecast on Wednesday, October 11 at 2:00 am GMT which is 9:00 pm central time in North America ... my appologies to everyone in the European time zones. ;-)

We're planning a few things to do and learn over the course of each moderator's show, but we also want to keep things fairly loose so that folks can have meaningful conversations. I've always found the best part of any conference to be the conversations had at the coffee break ... this is going to be one helluva coffee break!

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  1. Keep up this enthusiasm.All good wishes

  2. Thanks MV! Hope to "see" you at the conference. ;-)
