
Student Voices Episode 3: Chris, Craig, and Graeme

5/12/2008 11:00:00 pm

In this episode of Student Voices three Advanced Placement Calculus students, Chris, Craig, and Graeme, talk about a wiki assignment they did to prepare for the exam. Then the conversation transitions to a discussion of the many things they learned while doing their Developing Expert Voices project. It ends with a challenge, the result of which will be featured in a future podcast.

You can find their project on this year'sDeveloping Expert Voices blog or scattered across YouTube; it's called DEV: Watch and Learn; soon to be aggregated on the project blog.

Let Chris, Craig, and Graeme know what you thought about the podcast by leaving a comment here on this post or on the mirror of this post on their class blog.

(Download File 31.8Mb, 26 min. 30 sec.)

The video mentioned near the end of the podcast is called Daft Hands. Here it is:

Photo Credit: Shadow singer by flickr user EugeniusD80

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  1. Anonymous13/5/08 04:23

    I was wondering if there is a link to the original DEV assignment. I find the assignment an interesting one, particularly as a chance to revise for an external exam (for us it would be the IB exam) as well as to develop expertise.

    I am also struck by the genius in the sheer simplicity of the assignment (teach others) while giving tremendous room for students to a) express themselves and b) utilize relevant technology.

  2. Anonymous22/8/08 22:27

    It's taken me an unconscionably long time to reply, my apologies. You can find last years DEV blog here and this year's DEV blog is here. The assignment is here and the grading rubric is here.
