
K12 Online DMCI LAN Party

11/08/2006 07:07:00 pm

Taking the lead from Jeff Utecht we had a little K12 Online LAN party at my school.

I was talking with my principal a few weeks back and the conversation turned to professional development. I turned to him and said: "If you're really serious about educational technology in our building give me some money ... a half day for 20 teachers and I to spend in the iMac lab and I'll take them to the conference. They can explore anything they like from the 33 presentations available (at that time, Nov. 1) and I'll help them with any tech issues that come up ... I'll also show them how to use skype so they can participate in the closing event, When Night Falls."

He said yes to 10. The offer went out to almost 60 teachers in my building. Three replied and one was sick the day of the event.

We (Liz, John and I) watched David Warlick's Kenote presentation and recorded the conversation we had afterwards.

This is it. (29 minutes 14 seconds, 13.4 Mb)

Let us know what you think. ;-)

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  1. Remember...one starfish at a time...

    Darren, you are making a difference.

  2. Thanks Maria ... Ijust stumbled across this ... now I get it. ;-)
