The Scribe Post Hall Of Fame

5/04/2006 12:16:00 am

Thanks go out to Chris Harbeck, Lani Ritter-Hall and Graham Wegner for leaving postivie comments on Michael's, Janet's and Jefferson's scribe posts. The impact has been dramatic.
Marc was scribe today. I didn't think it possible, but he raised an incredibly high bar up another notch.
In her comments to Jefferson Lani suggested:

Just a thought: I wondered about a Scribing Hall of Fame to which everyone could aspire. It seems to me that you, Janet and Michael should be the initial inductees. You have set such high standards!! Maybe the members of the Hall of Fame could even have mention of their membership in their profile image.
I think this is a great idea. So I built a wiki. The Scribe Post Hall Of Fame. (password: iscribe) The wiki has information to help you orchestrate student scribes in your classes. If you already have student scribes in your classes please populate the wiki with their best work. Then we can all use the space to:

  • »encourage other students to excel
  • »recognize outstanding work done by students
  • »build students self-esteem by using this forum to generate widespread public recognition
  • »grow the scribe idea and Hall of Fame in any constructive way you can think of
Lani also suggests there should be some way to mention student's membership in the hall of fame on their profiles. This made me think of a badge. We could brand the wiki with a large one and each student's post entered in the hall of fame could have a smaller version pasted into their winning post. A simple but elegant graphic, in conjunction with the wiki, can achieve all the goals outlined above. I'm not much of an artist. How about you? Then again, maybe we should have a student graphic design competition ... hmm ... I'm going to suggest it to the graphic arts teacher at my school. If you do the same in yours we might really get something going here. What do you think?
(You can leave an audio comment on this post.)

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  1. Bad link on this page
    The Scribe Post Hall Of Fame
    should be

  2. Anonymous4/5/06 08:53

    I looked, I honestly did, but not knowing enough calculus to fight my way out of a paper bag, I could not see a spot for a comment..

    But I do want to say that I try to showcase blog posts of the week on my school blog, excellence and imagination and the kids love it and work to be one of the lucky few chosen each week.

  3. Anonymous4/5/06 09:04

    Thanks Tony. The link is fixed now. ;-)

    Thanks for taking a look Clarence. I think if you commented on things like the degree of detail and visual presentation it would really give them a shot in the arm. Just a few words would do. ;-)

    I've been thinking about your class blogging model. I think the way you use it to focus your class community on the flares of excellence your students generate is very powerful. I'm thinking that if we expand the idea to the edublogging community we can easily collaborate to give all our students a sense of achievement and recognition amplified across the globe.

  4. Darren, I just wanted to say you are my hero! I am thrilled with how you are integrating Vaestro audio discussion into your blog. Great job! I hope your community finds it fun and valuable. You have help set fire a wave of education and technology related bloggers to arrive at Vaestro and I am very excited about all the possibilities...

  5. Anonymous4/5/06 21:10

    Thanks for the compliment Matt, but you made Vaestro, I'm just using it and exploring the potential educational applications. I'm looking forward to when we can:

    (i) have private, invitation only channels for those conversations that require more discretion, and

    (ii) have the functionality for users to include their name in text with their audio post without actually joining Vaestro.

    You've been doing a great job being responsive and nurturing the growing Vaestro community.

