
Over the Pond and Through the Fiber: The Podcast

3/16/2006 06:37:00 pm

I guess we've settled on a name for this collaborative project we began back in January. ;-) We had a great discussion today largely motivated by a recent post by David Warlick. This is what we set out to discuss (submitted by Miguel):

  • »David Warlick talks about telling a new story. I'd like to see us more clearly define it. Is this new future just an amalgamation of new, untried solutions (e.g. digital storytelling, blogging, podcasting, wikis, etc)? How do these fundamentally transform teaching, learning and leadership aside from serving as a big distraction?

Wes, Ewan, Miguel and I were joined by two educators from Washington state, Jeff Allen (Director of Educational Technology at Olympic Educational Service District 114) in Bremerton, Washington and Marc Ahlness (3rd grade teacher at Arbor Heights Elementary School) in Seattle, Washington. David wanted to join us as well but he was travelling at the time we recorded this conversation. We'll try again next time.

As Wes pointed out we've probably raised more questions than we answered.

When we sat down to actually talk about "The New Story," I must admit, I wasn't really clear on what David was suggesting the new story is. By the time we got to the end of the hour I think I both understood the question and, with the help of everyone, figured out a preliminary answer. Let us know what you think ...

Over the Pond and Through the Fiber #2 (58 minutes 9 seconds)

Show Notes

David Warlick's post: Telling the New Story

Darren's Classes in a SuprGlued River (Great metaphor Wes!)

Clarence Fisher's Class, Excellence and Imagination

Bob Sprankle's Class, Room 208

Tony Vincent

Carr, V. H. (2006). Technology adoption and diffusion. Retrieved January, 01, 2006.

The World is Flat (Thomas Friedman's Book)

David Warlick's post again (Boy, you really made us all think Dave!)



MSN Spaces

Queensbury High School in West Yorkshire, Scotland

Naked Conversations (Robert Scoble's and Shel Israel's book)

Naked Conversations (Robert Scoble's and Shel Israel's blog)

Mark's Class: Mighty Writers

Class Blogmeister

The Big Picture Company

The MET School in Rhode Island

Curriculum as Mashup (an article by David Warlick)

Fullan, Michael (1998). Breaking the bonds of dependency. Educational Leadership, 55(7), 6-11.

Jeff Allen's blog

I Love This Blog by Anne Davis (actually the post title is "A Math Weblog to Note!")

Pull vrs. Push Education by Will Richardson

World Bridges

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  1. I listened last night, Jeff and Mark did a great job of representing Washington!

    I am still frustrated that this is not catching on as quickly as I'd like.

    Here's the progression that I advocate and I heard mentioned in this discussion:

    Step 1) Read Blogs

    Step 2) Blog for personal/family use

    Step 3) Blog for administrative/communication purpose

    Step 4) Blog for educational purposes with kids.

    I have focused on our administrators first. Using this approach, we now have 5 principals that use Blogspot as their primary means of weekly communication with their staff.

    My problem is that I'm not being patient enough. I also need to provide the leadership to put security procedures in place.

    Thanks for contributing to the discussion yesterday.
