
K12 Online: Proposal Submission Deadline Extended

6/19/2007 12:10:00 pm

Mirrored from the K12 Online Conference site.

There has been a bit of a glitch with the proposal submission form. It seems it is only accepting one submission from each IP address. The last submission overwrites the earlier written material.

The deadline for submissions is extended until Friday, June 22.

For all who made or would like to make multiple proposal submissions:

1. Your final submission has been received.

We fixed the form! It will now accept multiple submissions.

If you did not receive a confirmation email from Lani on June 19, please resubmit your proposal. Then contact Lani by email (lanihall {at} alltel {dot} net) to verify it’s been received.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for your patience and understanding. The deadline remains extended until Friday, June 22.

2. Please email any other submissions to the convener of the strand for which the proposal is submitted.

To all who have not yet submitted a proposal:

1. The deadline is extended until Friday, June 22.
2. You’re encouraged to submit a proposal to present. Personal Learning Networks, in particular, could benefit from your expertise.

For your convenience, here is the list of conveners:

  • » Convener Classroom 2.0
    Darren Kuropatwa: dkuropatwa {at} gmail {dot} com
  • » Convener Personal Learning Networks
    Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach: snbeach {at} cox {dot} net
  • » Convener Obstacles to Opportunities
    Lani Ritter Hall: lanihall {at} alltel {dot} net
  • » Convener New Tools
    Wesley Fryer: wesfryer {at} pobox {dot} com

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  1. Rats, I just saw this. It might have been fun to submit something around the work Etienne Wenger, John Smith and I are doing about the interplay between communities and technologies and technology stewardship. Maybe next time!!

  2. Anonymous4/7/07 12:22

    I hope you'll consider submitting a proposal for next year's conference Nancy. I'm fascinated by the work you guys are doing around the notion of communities of practice. In particular I think twitter.com is a fascinating case study of an informal but rich community of practice.
