
Thought Provoking Images ...

3/22/2009 10:27:00 am

... not all, but many of them. What I really like about this set is that the fellow who puts them together often references and links to the source articles or research where the snippets are taken from.

If one of these images (all cc, I asked) strikes you in some way, follow the link back and copy it to the comments here maybe sharing what struck you. I'll start it off below.

I'm not sure if images will embed in the comments here (I'm testing this with my first comment below) but I've got apture installed on my blog so linking to the image should create a popup view of it when you hover over the link; like this.

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  1. John Medina's Brain Rule #10 says "Vision trumps all other senses." With access to IWBs or even just a digital projector we can incorporate all sorts of digital images into our lessons. I'm trying to do this more and more each semester.

    I wonder to what degree we can capitalize on this in our teaching, using images to provoke thought or deed we'd like to foster in our students ... or is that overly Machiavellian?

    (View all comments by looking at the "post page" so that you can see the image embedded below using the apture plugin I've installed on my blog. When doing this yourself, DON'T link to the picture page, link to the actual photo itself. [click on "All Sizes" then "control- (or right-) click" to copy the "download link".])

    A snail makes you small

  2. OK, so I was wrong. you CAN just link to the photo page. Lesson learned. ;-)

  3. Fascinating stuff - great find Darren!

    I like this one

    Probably because it's something I already believe, so it makes me feel smart ;-)

  4. @Robbie I like that one too. Makes me wonder how we can get away from assigning "marks" for kids doing good work and shift towards motivating them to do good work for "social credit".

  5. Will's images are great- I have used them in past presentations, and started tagging a few others of the same ilk

    What is interesting, when you look at these kinds of collections- they include a cc licensed image from elsewhere, a super-imposed quote or thought in text, and maybe some commentary or references in the flickr caption.

    I suggested earlier this is pretty much the way one creates LOLCAT images:

    And in flickr, with picnik photo editor, one can do all of these w/o special software.

    It always seemed to me a great way to have students do some assignments- there is research for the image, the quote, and some reference material in the caption.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ack, I'm having trouble posting a link ... but anyway, my favourite so far is this one: http://www.flickr.com/photos/will-lion/2511918050/

    Probably because I have such a hard time getting my teenager (and myself!) to get to bed on time ...

    Good one, Darren!

    Hadass (who still can't figure out how to put a link in comments, bah).

  8. Good images and thoughts to think about.

  9. There are a few images I like for a few different reasons. As I think about it, most have a logical space to place a short comment.

    The milk shot has a nice curving space. The dark black and contrasting white make it easy to read.

    The giraffe shot has a nice line to follow. The body of the giraffe on the left leads you up his neck to the words and across the words to the face of the second giraffe.

    The book shot is specifically on target with the quote of academia (for me). It also has a natural break for the short quote. Again the white on black makes it easy to read the quote.

    Finally, the random split quote is great. It talks about two separate groups. The white line splits the quote. The white writing ties it all in and looks great on the red and blue.

    By the way, I found most of the psychological disorder photos disorienting to look at in one way or another. I'm sure they were chosen for that specific reason. Between the photo and the large amount of text, I found it hard to concentrate even though the quotes were interesting.

    I agree with Alan, this could make for an interesting project with students.

    I hope more join in with their thoughts on the images.

  10. The last image's link didn't work. Here is the image talking about randomly splitting a group.
