Great Tweets: #gr8t
2/25/2009 06:00:00 pm
Last summer in Boston at the Building Learning Communities conference, chatting over drinks with David Truss and a few other folks, David suggested an idea riffing off of the 365 Days meme on flickr. Now a year is a major commitment for this so we settled on one month.
Dave authoured a beautiful introduction to the idea:
For the month of March, a group of educators and lifelong learners will be picking a "Tweet of the day" and ReTweeting it with the hash tag: #gr8t Hopefully, you will join us in doing this too.There are a number of reasons why you might want to participate:
- To share what you value about twitter.
- To see what others value about twitter.
- To celebrate the power and wisdom of your Personal Learning Network.
- To find interesting people to follow on Twitter.
My choice for what to retweet with #gr8t will be a Tweet that I find interesting, or insightful, or humorous. It might link to something I enjoyed reading, or it might have something profound or even fortune-cookie-like that appeals to me:
There aren't really any rules to participate: Find a tweet you value, and share it via twitter! End your Great Tweet with this hash tag: #gr8t
It'll automatically show up on the Gr8Tweets wiki and on twitter searches for others to see and share.
I'm looking forward to sharing the Gr8tweets that I find, at least one daily for the month of March, and I'm hoping you will join me and share what you find. Feel free to follow Gr8tweets on Twitter and Gr8tweets will follow you back, (this part is totally optional).
Even if you aren't on twitter or you don't want to participate, be sure to check out the Gr8Tweets wiki and see some of the reasons why so many educators are finding Twitter a valuable tool!
@everyone Looking forward to reading your great tweets! #gr8t
Photo: tweet by flickr user Helga's Lobster Stew
f sharing the good stuff, Darren. well done.
ReplyDeleteHello! I was looking for a picture of a bird in my iPhoto albums. I gave up to make my post timely. I have to go back in and find one now. You can see my post at: This should be a lot of fun.
ReplyDeletesorry, I accidentally deleted the first part of my comment, which should have read: A great way of sharing the good stuff, Darren, well done.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to delete the first one as it doesn't look very nice!
It was great meeting you in Boston and the enthusiasm we shared with Laura @Deacs84 made it difficult to wait this long to get things rolling.
ReplyDeleteSo often we plan projects for our students, it feels great to do something really fun for ourselves.
I look forward to watching our seedling idea evolve and hope that it inspires some would-be tweeters to stick with it long enough to see the value we do.
I'm also looking forward to meeting you in Boston again this year... wonder what we'll come up with next? ;-)