Questions About Blogging in the Classroom

11/11/2007 10:46:00 pm

About two years ago I was interviewed by Robyn MacBride as part of her research for her Masters thesis which was about blogging in the classroom. Her adviser, professor April Luemann, contacted me last spring to let me know she and Robyn had shared the results of their research at a conference in Chicago. It was a real shot in the arm for my students to see the slides where their words were held up to be exemplary edublogging.

This week April contacted me again. She and another student of hers are presenting at another conference. They've been focusing on edublogging in science classes and came across a number of references to me and my students work. April asked if I'd be willing to answer a few questions for their research and presentation at the conference. I said yes and that I wanted to reply in a public way where others might also have an opportunity to share their views. So, I created this voicethread.

I don't claim to have all the answers; these are just my answers. Please add your own as well directly on the voicethread or in the comments to this post.

Photo Credit: 5

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  1. I've only started blogging with my math students (6th graders) this year. I've been following your work for almost a year now. Thank you for sharing your perspective via the Voicethread. As I gain more experience, I will add some comments.

  2. Thanks for posting this. Your VoiceThread will make a great supplement to our professional development on blogging.

  3. njtechteacher: Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. ;-)

    @rick biche: Glad to oblidge. Let me know how it goes.

  4. Anonymous3/12/07 00:10

    Hello Darren!
    I just posted a response to a discussion on classroom 2.0 about blogging (technovore is my username there) in which I referenced your work. I came across one of your class blogs at the start of this school year (PreCal Winter '07) and I was inspired by the way you have students scribe. This past month I finally started a blog of my own ( a way of sharing resources with colleagues and this weekend I finally started working on creating a blog space for my classes--- I plan on having my own students start scribing this week. I can't tell you how excited I am about finally entering the world of blogging!!! There have been many blogs that I have visited, but none more than your own work, that have inspired me to take this step. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! kristen

  5. Anonymous3/12/07 00:43

    Thanks Kristen. I look forward to seeing your class blog and how you evolve the practice of daily scribes. Share the link back here when you're up and running. ;-)
