New Math 10 Curriculum

There's a new curriculum coming. Gave a little talk about it and the text book that supports it. Here it is. You can download it if you like. All the links I shared in the session can be found by clicking around on the slides below.


Joe, one of the folks who attended the session on Friday, has shared the Graphing Calculator Lease Form he uses in his school. You can see it here. Feel free to copy and edit or or just print it as is.

Thanks Joe!

Scribes Spreading

Thanks to some blog love from Roland I put together a small, inadequate list of how the scribing blog love is spreading; check out these wonderful teachers:

Chris Harbeck's class blog hub (innovator par excellence!)

Ryan Maksymchuk's suite of class blogs (more scribing class blogs than you can shake a stick at!)

Derrick Willard's class blog

Jim Homan's Cathoilic Morality wiki

Mr. Marti's precalculus class blog

Reversearp's (an alias I believe) precalculus class blog

Mrs. Everard's AP Calculus class blog

Image by dkuropatwa via Flickr

Every new day brings more new math (and non-math) bloggers. This is a small and woefully incomplete list. If I've failed to include your blog, or another one you know of, where the teacher has implemented the practice of having daily student authoured scribes please share it here in the comments.

I've Got 5 Minutes

actually, it was 11 minutes and 45 seconds.

This is the slidecast from one of three talks I gave on Friday October 9, 2009. I was in Virden Manitoba participating in the NIBBLE Conference for the Fort La Bosse School Division.

More coming soon. Everything will be aggregated on the Senior Years Information and Communication Technology wiki I'm maintaining to share all the work I do in Manitoba with teachers across the province ... and you.